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Testimonial_Key Personnel

Millennia Institute Strengths Approach Training

“It was a useful and engaging session. “I learnt that giving affirmation is important for people to

  grow and affirmation needs to be sincere.”

“It was a relevant and practical training.”


W2 & W5 Cluster Relational Circles Training

“Thank you for the demonstration of an actual circles. It was highly experiential & useful.”
“It was a very well organised workshop.”



whole school trainings

Testimonial_Whl Schl Traing

Westspring Primary School Strengths Training

“It was a very deep and insightful workshop”
“I am more confident in using Strengths in my classroom with my students.”


marsiling primary school relational circles training


“Loved the way we were engaged throughout the training even though it was a 4 hours

“The trainers were awesome. Excellent convincing presenter”

frontier primary school restorative practices training

-Jacyntha, HOD Student Development-

”RP builds a conducive culture for nurturing constructive relationships which build the talents, strengths and identity of individuals. Through the element of choice, individuals are empowered to make sound decisions which have a lasting impact on themselves and others around them. Personally, creating a rewarding positive culture of care and concern, every individual feels valued and belonged in their environment of learning. It is an amazing way for us as educators to reach out and nurture each and every special child.”

public workshops

Testimonial_Publi wrkshhops

1 Day Restorative Practices Workshop


“Gave a good knowledge of what RP is. Strategies and discussions of its practical use and


“Interactive and practical workshop.”

“Good strategies on how to manage different SN students.”
“Facilitating RP conferences and also strategies to manage various conditions.”


1 Day Restorative Practices & Special Needs Workshop


“Good strategies on how to manage different SN students.”

“Facilitating RP conferences and also strategies to manage various conditions.”

2 Days Relational Circles Pedagogical Workshop


“It was a great session on how to facilitate Relational Circles. It has provided a safe environment for us.”

“Relational Circles is a great platform to get to know each other whom we are not familiar with”

2 Days Sustaining Positive Discipline in Schools Workshop by David Vinegrad

-raimi, hod dicipline-

“It has been really surreal to have David come to Commonwealth to conduct a workshop here. (please do thank him for me) As I looked around and scanned the faces of my colleagues for the past two days, I can sense a renewal in their spirit and their belief in the importance of a healthy and meaningful relationship in school. I thank both of you for making this possible for me. I hope it is not an exaggeration to say that moments like this truly gives meaning to my work. Moving forward, I hope I can continue working with RP to make restorative justice a common language in my school.”

Positive Classroom Management Online workshop


"It was about “Agency”. Having a voice in their learning journey."


"ASPIRE framework to promote a positive classroom"


"Feeding your wellbeing piggy bank so that there is something for you to draw on"


"Although it was online, there was great learning and useful strategies shared"

Student Trainings

Testimonial_Stdnt Trainings

jurongville secondary school top student training



“A very structured programme that allows students to reflect on their choices and take charge of their life. The hands-on activities make it interesting for the students to connect .”

jingshan primary school motivation and resilience 

-HOD,Student Management-

“I like the application part where students can apply and practice the skills with homework that is given after each session.There is also full attendance as the students enjoyed the programme and are actively engaged throughout.”



“I appreciate the fact that i can see things from different perspectives.”
“Be more sensitive and understand others better.”
“I can apply it in real life situations to help others.”

frontier primary peer support buddy student training


“How to be more empathetic towards my classmates.”
“Understand the feelings & needs of others.”
“I can apply it at home with my family.”

-HOD,Student Management-

ACS Junior peer support student training

"The session was conducted via Zoom and RPS team was still able to deliver the lesson efficiently. The nurturing demeanor of the trainer Ms Kavitha made the boys connect with her instantly. The boys enjoyed the session with many expressing sadness that it was their last session today. When I went to the break-out rooms, the boys were diligently practising the RP process. I want to thank the team for their good collaboration with the school in delivering these sessions and effectively transferring these skills to the boys - a life-long skill."

-HOD,Student Management-

peer support Special Needs student training

"The training also gave good awareness to our PSLs. The guided approach taught them on how to approach and support their classmates. I would like to highlight that one of our PSL consistently supported and looked out for his special needs classmate. He taught him calming strategies when he had a breakdown or when feeling low. The empathetic approach created a strong bond between the boys. This created a positive caring culture. Good job to team RPS for delivering such an empowering workshop"

-HOD,StudEnt Leadership-

Self-Regulation student training

Trainers' did a wonderful job conducting the self-regulation workshop for my school. This group of children had displayed intense challenges in managing their difficult emotions in school and had been involved in many incidents throughout the year. Using the approaches of boundaries setting, reward system and positive peer pressure, the team was able to infuse the idea of “STOP” into the children. Most importantly, they had done this through empathy, patience and care for the children which helps form the connection. Of course, fun was always present in the workshop which made the learning easier for the children.

-School Counsellor-

Self-Regulation student training

I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the team for coming up with such a meaningful engagement session for our students. Those 4 lessons have been well-planned and well-executed, and our students have learnt a lot. My favourite part was how the students were so forth-coming with sitting on the cooling and hot chair to help cool down in times of anger or frustration. The trainer did a fantastic job in setting the tone and “culture” so much so that “chair” strategy was not seen as a form of punishment rather a place to calm down and reflect. 

-HOD,Student Management-

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